hi again! i'm joining the bandwagon and creating a "20 things you didn't know about me" list but all this soul searching has made me rethink the title. so the current title is :
20 things i didn't know about myself
1. i always feel self-concious. eventhough it doesn't seem so, it's probably because i'm faking it or i'm drunk
2. i find pronouncing 'enamel' and 'vinyl' hard
3. i've come to realize that if i really like somebody, i WILL NEVER tell him. and if my friends ask me why, i'll tell them its because i'm shy but actually i'm too proud.
4. back in college i reversed in to a parked pajero in bangsar. my friends said leave a note with your name and number. what i really wrote on that note: I'M SORRY
5. i bought a posh looking watch when i was studying in london but it was too small so i gave it to one of my bestfriends as a birthday present. she loved it and used it every single friggin' day for eight years.
6. everytime i see a dead cat i feel really sad and angry
7. i have a phobia of crossing roads
8. when i sleep i must have one or both hands under my pillow
9. i catch my cats fleas with a masking tape
10. i sometimes listen to country music and enjoy it
11. if i meet someone i know but i can't remember their names, i usually introduce that person to my friend example : "hey! long time no see! *blow air kisses* please meet my friend brad.." and then ofcourse the 'phantom friend' would say "please to meet you brad. i'm samdol" hey presto!
12. i have no eyebrows < freak accident involving a chainsaw and some vaseline
13. the first time i snuck my car out on the main road (before i had a legit driving licence) i went down a hill in gear one and the car made such a loud noise i thought i broke it
14. i love dark chocolates.
15. i must be fed on time, if not i get cranky and i'll start dissing you and your momma!
16. i make my nieces and nephews call me by my first name. they're forbidden to call me aunty
17. bila mamat afrika kacau i kat klcc i selalu cakap "thank you (in broken inggeris) i no speak inggeris" (translated to BM incase any mamat afrika dari klcc terbaca)
18. i can't control my laughter. sometimes i laugh so hard, tears come rolling down my cheeks and/or i'll piss myself (almost)
19. i practice walking in heels at home and in the office sometimes when i feel like it
20. i like to wet my feet when i am taking a shit therefore theres always a patch of water infront of the toilet.
the end!!!!!!!!
man! i'm beat.