i just came to realize that i wore the same outfit (a blue and red striped tee from dorothy perkins + a pair of dark blue boot cut denim jeans + a white belt + white pointy flats + yellow handbag) two saturdays in a row. and the darndest thing is that i can prove it. quite embarrassing actually. kinda like that comic strip nancy. same outfit all the time.
ok let's start with last week, my dearest friend shila had a baby shower. unfortunately i came two hours late due to the fact my mum lost her car grant and i had to help her look for it. i couldn't escape, she got me cornered.
when i arrived, shila was opening her presents. the food was great. there were cucumber sandwiches, bruschetta, super mini cupcakes + brownies. i was in sugar heaven. i didn't even budge when shila announced it was my presents turn. anyway, we all had a piece of card to write a message for shila's baby. kinda like words of wisdom, especially for the baby from you. many of the girls wrote practical advise like don't do drugs + don't mix your alcohol (very true). i just told him to 'always follow his dreams no matter where it leads'. corny? yes it was very..

thank goodness on friday i wore something different. went to luna for a farewell dinner. emilie was going back to france and she won't be working here any more. she'll be teaching in laos. damn you laos for taking my friend away! < felt like having a go at some melodramatics. had a great time despite being asked to move four times.

and atlast, the second sighting: last saturday, i wore a blue and red striped tee from dorothy perkins + a pair of dark blue boot cut denim jeans + a white belt + white pointy flats + yellow handbag for a lomo event at borders in times square. and i bumped into shila's brother, shariar + his girlfriend (i met them at shila's baby shower) dang! so now there's two people who probably thinks i don't have any other clothes to wear or i am like nancy.
but in the end, it was a day of pleasant surprises and nervous breakdowns. i met my old friend radhi + his wife + his baby boy. i can brag that i know him personally - not like my pipe dream relationship with peterpan ok? oh arielllllll.. and then i met my high school friend azwin with her daughter. i was surrounded with people i used to snuck into clubs with and now they are with kids. lets just say i left in a cold sweat and my biological clock ranged, and left a message to call back! eeeeeeeeeeeek!