Thursday, May 25, 2006

crazy pete

my newly created boyfriend pete.. is crazy! for example, after watching mary poppins this is what he did:

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and he's not bothered what everybody thinks, all he wants to do is:
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block b birthday

happy birthday trinz!

i had a blast. the sangria + moonshine was perfection. i hardly moved from the punch bowl/cooler. i wish i could use a drip to pump the booze straight into my veins. a perfect buzz

enjoy the pics

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*dzurina told me to state that she doesn't drink alcohol.. square!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

my fantasy boyfriend

this months fantasy boyfriend is pete wentz. my fantasy of him begins with these basic facts:
1. he's a small town boy i.e. tg malim with a big heart.. and a certain innocence thats refreshing
2. we met in college (KBU) became best buds and then steadies.. damn he's a good kisser! just look at those lips
3. he works part-time doing odd jobs like working at 7-11 and selling chicken at pasar taman tun.. hes always up to date with the current prices of goods
4. he has a wicked sense of style. always a trendsetter not a lame follower.. yeah you know who you are!
5. he's sweet, thoughtful and he is a talented musician.. not a friggin' mawi
6. his band made it big time in the US

fuyohhhhh bestnyer! enjoy!

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she shoots! she scores!

the zeta crew

my sis, mom + nieces celebrated a friends engagement with a partay at zeta bar. enjoy the pics!

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bye y'all!

flowers in the attic

hello folks. my friends opened this new lounge/bar/cafe/art gallery on jalan bangkong in bangsar called the attic. its a great place to chill and relax with your cocktail. check it out y'all!

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see you there y'all

over teh tarik + roti banjir

it was love at first sight..

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Monday, May 22, 2006

please help them, they can't sing

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if you feel sorry for them and would like to donate to their 'Learn to Sing' fund, please make all cheques payable to +wondermilk foundation for the talentless.

thank you for your time

manchester mari!

last friday i went out to velvet but unfortunately my camera monitor read 'change battery pack'. so no pictures. on saturday night i thought of taking it easy and just hangin' out with my favourite cina mabuk - kinkypugkev but we got side tracked into going to the heineken greenroom sessions. fingathing from manchester rocked the house despite the lame blackouts! i kept trying to start a riot but the crowd were too nice (or complacent).

enjoy the pics y'all!

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bisa bisa yes i can pt. 3

we came we saw and we conquered! bali was awesome. so allow me to show y'all my holiday pics. enjoy!

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bali here we come

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dzu, ifzan + hanis = a bizarre love triangle?

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lifestyles of the wannabe rich and famous

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our first night

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dangdut dewa + dewis

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wherever we may roam

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the current It Girls

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soaking up the sun at Dreamland

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gang members recruitment

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my friend i left behind (the sunglasses)

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seafood + rempits + their sexy bohsias (acah jer dzu.. dontch angry i wuff you)

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suka hati di sukawati + feeling gud in ubud

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cam whoring away

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reluctantly returning home

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what is broken can be fixed with superglue (no relations to superdzu)

shazam! see you again next year bali!

ps for more amusing pictures, please look at

+ dzu's blogbisa bisa yes i can pt 1

+ syamly+ena's blog bisa bisa yes i can pt 2

+ mohd. ifzan's blogbisa bisa yes i can pt 4

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

the four animals

wassup y'all! all i want is four animals - a mink on my back, a jaguar in the garage, a tiger in the bed and a jackass to pay for it all! so i need all of y'all to get your dollar dollar bills out and buy kuehteow soup girls latest smokin' new single no fishball please and support my drug habit.

and check out our first single at mizz petite's (like a cherry) site! peace!

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album out now!

album available exclusively at kedai runcit jaseema TTDI and selected stesyen minyak shell lebuhraya karak and stesyen minyak petronas jalan genting kelang.

Monday, May 8, 2006

sweet child o' mine

cuppacakes! who doesn't like cuppacakes?! i had 18 on that day and the privilege of licking the icing bowl.

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the cuppacakes show came and went in a flash, and so did the mini cuppacake samples. we were absolutely pleased with the turn-out and response. very big thank yous to all who came.

for more pics please visit these peeps kev + dzu + joyce