Thursday, May 25, 2006

crazy pete

my newly created boyfriend pete.. is crazy! for example, after watching mary poppins this is what he did:

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

and he's not bothered what everybody thinks, all he wants to do is:
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


  1. oi
    tu mak aku punya payung!
    your new bf curik my mothers payung!
    pete! you no good piece of shit!

    hi ji!

  2. pete says hey dzu! sorry ah.. lepas pekena bong kat lorong belakang rumah you, jumping of the roof with your momma's umbrella seemed good! peace out!

    hi jiji! i love you

  3. dzu hey girlfriend.. pete tu memang kuat semangat sukan dia..

    pete hi lover!

  4. wow pete
    terrernya bm hang!
    hang belajaq kat mana?
    jenuh ah lagu ni...kalau bm hang lagi baguih dari jiji!
    dia tu tak sedaq diri...dok perasan memanjang dia tu mat salleh.
    coba hang tukaq si jiji tu.
    oh ya...bila hang masuk islam?

    hi ji!

  5. dzu little known fact.. dulu i MRSM Tronoh sebelum i pergi states. jiji tu memang cun cam matsalleh.. thats why i love her!

  6. oiy dzu! tu bukan payung pasar tani ke?

  7. pijah, payung pasar tani bukan ada tulis "pasar tani" ka?

    ji,bf u da bomb la.
    walaupun imaginary.

  8. monkee_wonky_tootsieMay 29, 2006 at 9:25 PM

    hello pete!!!

    hello jiji!!!
    is u madonna?

    luvluv hepi monkee!

  9. Eh... er.

    I actually did that off my stairwell after watching Mary Poppins >_<

    But then i was 7.

    Not so bad if i did it when i was seven.... right?

  10. stupid fairy. -_-

    eh ji! oh macam ni la. tak mau update... dah ada online bf sombong!!!

  11. cikpijah ha! memang pete kerja kat pasar tani.. dia tumpang simpan kat rumah dzu

    cikpms see above / skang kite dua2 ade boyfriend musician.. walaupun imaginary

    toots no.. i is mrs pete wentz.. hah! seronok betul boyfriend imaginary! the imaginary sex is fantastic!! ((astaghfirrullah))

    kinkybluefairy you crazy little fairy!!! alah.. i was also influenced by mary poppins.. every time i sakit, i would belasah a spoon full of sugar! look at my body now laaaa..

    kev bukanlahhh.. sekarang manyak order masuk untuk cuppacake.. manyak sibuk loorrrr. sabar ya saudara

  12. my intan payung ketipang ketipung is no imaginary kay..

  13. cikpms i tahu lah... mine is imaginary and bruce isn't : ). i think relationships are difficult.. like when brucie called you ' cikpms' and the whole blog thing.. so i'm gonna keep mine imaginary

  14. oh jiji..teach me how to create an online boyfriend too! i want to name him Dominique..bley ka?

  15. sooz amboi! eksotiknya nama.. susah i nak pronounce! tapi youre so darn cute la.. mesti no problem cari boyfriend in real life.. so takyah create online nyer muehehehehehe
