Tuesday, October 25, 2011


hiya luvs,

it's nice to catch up with old friends especially those you don't see often enough. jaja an old school mate of mine was in town for a few weeks in october with her brood. she now lives in london with her rockstars, hubby lee and her two boys daniyal and zachy. we had a terrific time catching up and i was amazed how the much the boys have grown.

it was a week filled with visiting and talking about old times. jaja had but one request on her birthday, it was to go out for karaoke! lol what can i say, we're asians! it's in our genes. the bonus was also that jaja was a local celebrity back in the day, a certified popstar and we actually found one of her hits on the karaoke selection, and like trooper, she belted it out for us - cheers!

me with jaja and ina

jaja and lee
another sexy mama - hana
sophia and jaja
thorn amongst roses - feris
Photobucket hope you enjoyed the pics!
ps i had to include her song ;)

Friday, September 23, 2011

rockstars and artists

hiya luvs,

eventhough i'm far from looking like a cool hipster, i did go to art school believe it or not lol i did participate/curate/organize exhibitions, art groups, photography clubs; but those were the days when i was younger, more energetic, more optimistic, more visionary but now, i sit back and enjoy seeing young blood do their thing :)

i went to see an exhibition at mapskl and met my bunch of lovely creative friends. i was enjoying the catching up more (despite my sore throat that left me with no voice i still managed to have a good time)

enjoy the pics!





with the fabulous rina matsui, handbag designer
jun kit role reversing with friend
my bestpal since college, vincent and eva

on a less cultured note ;) i went karaoke-ing with the boys. i usually go karaoke-ing with my girls but this was an exception. it was my best guy friend; vincent's post-birthday meet up session.

it started well and respectable at 8pm and it sorta went downhill after two bottles of whiskey and a flaming lambo. i, however, remained sober and still clutching the mic! lol enjoy the pics!


apparently eagle eye cherry is an asian guy at this karaoke place



this is when it started to get strange - singing in a language none of us knew

remember; don't drink and sing.


Thursday, September 22, 2011

the colours of hari raya

hiya luvs,

this was a festive month here in malaysia. we had our eid - hari raya, national day and malaysia day all within 3 weeks. our eid or hari raya is same routine each year. since i still live with my parents, my siblings and their family will come visit us on the first day of hari raya around 11am.

my mum would have prepared a feast that consumed all her time and energy two weeks before (bless her) and i would be asked to make some cakes and cupcake (much easier task than cooking malay traditional food) for the brunch/lunch.

everybody would come dressed in their new clothes. festive and colourful, even the menfolk will make some effort. after our lunch and catch up, the children will receive money packets duit raya from the parents and grand parents, and then the whole family will be cam-whoring away! enjoy our hari raya family album!

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket
and some pictures from my guest photographers my niece and nephew, adam and maya. enjoy the extreme close ups! lol Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

eventhough hari raya can be a repeat, almost routine like each year, i wouldn't change it one bit.


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

the 1st of shawal

hiya luvs,

today is the first of shawal in the islamic calendar. eid mubarak to all celebrating and to my fellow malaysians reading this, selamat hari raya; maaf zahir dan batin.



Monday, August 22, 2011

food that brings us together

WARNING: high caloric content :)

heya luvs,

there's something about eating together that makes a special bond among friends. however it doesn't work with any old type of food. it's usually something decadent and sinful. the sharing of a pleasurable moment that creates a fond memory for us to share. i swear, sometimes i would forget an entire event, but would fondly remember the scrumptious dish served.

it all started with ina's birthday. her sister, lynette, and nieces were hard at work making three cute birthday cakes (triple birthday celebration for ina, ina's mum, lat, and ina's niece, diana) and some tarts that had my taste buds full attention that evening.



the birthday celebration carried on and i treated ina for a slimming ayurvedic massage. we decided to indulge a little bit with some cupcakes at my old work place wondermilk cafe since we were in the vicinity.



later that same day, we had another indulgent meal. for me it was a whole pizza! and ina had the chocolate cake that's to die for at ben's general food store.



on a spur of the moment one night, i decided to go for some froyo and dragged ina but unfortunately we were too late and the staff of tutti frutti wouldn't let us in (we clearly had 5 minutes left). feeling defeated, we tried to be optimistic by venturing the area. we actually found a haagen dazs that was open til late! you could have told us we won the grand lottery because that was how we felt! ecstatic! i tried the double scoop tiramisu and fell in love. it was so hard for me to take a picture. i was salivating through the lens.



it was recently that our friend munirah came to our neck of the woods. and it was through our fondness for mille crepe that we made a night out of it. it started with driving hurriedly to make it on time before the cafe; food foundry shuts. you can read it in detail here. and with a satisfied palate, we were in such a good mood that we unanimously decide on karaoke-ing until the the place closed.









hope you guys have a tasty week ahead!
